The SonarTRX sidescan sonar processing software makes it easy to view and annotate sidescan recordings on a map, by using free 3D map viewers such as Google Earth or any other map-viewer capable of viewing kml files.
The latest versions of SonarTRX also has a built-in sonar data viewer that greatly simplify the process of locating features in your data. It also lets you define the associated time-intervals for each feature (i.e. “clips”) for easy retrieval.
For more advanced users, the geo-referenced images produced by SonarTRX can be imported to a variety of professional GIS and mapping programs for production of sidescan imagery of the entire survey area.
The software supports recordings from the most affordable sidescan sonars on the market, including Humminbird w/Side Imaging, Lowrance StructureScan, StarFish by Tritech, Imagenex YellowFin and SportScan, and other sonars supporting the XTF file format.

There are two versions of SonarTRX:
SonarTRX – Supports multiple sonar file formats
SonarTRX-SI – Supports Humminbird Side Imaging (SI) file format
For more details, please visit